Options for Guard Booths, Security Booths, Guard houses, Guard Shelters, Guard Shacks, Control Booths, ticket
booths, cashier booths,
and Guard Buildings
Sometimes a standard, off-the-shelf guard house, security booth, or small metal building does not quite meet your situation. Little Buildings, Inc. can help solve your problems! We work with you to provide an almost unlimited number of options and models.
Featured assets to a Little Building security booth include:
In case we need to suit variable sidewalk patterns, we can customize your Little Building guard house with entrances optimized differently than our standard products. We can blank out windows to give you wall space for coat hooks, key racks, electrical equipment, or files. Sliding ventilation or transaction window can be strategically placed to best serve your clients, as well. Each guard building starts from scratch so we can easily modify a standard structure in the drawing stage to make our building work for you.
Little Buildings Guard Booth Door Lock:
Standard security booth features for door locks include:
Overall, Little Buildings, Inc. has more standard guard house features than what our competitors offer. When you buy a Little Building for your business, you will be investing in the highest quality of products with a substantial lifespan along with the commitment and assurance of customer satisfaction.
Portable Buildings Guard Booth Interior Options:
Popular security booth interior options include:
Many other features are available for your guardhouse or other Little Building. Contact a sales professional at 1-888-55-BOOTH (1-586-217-2582) or email your questions to our staff at info@littlebuildingsinc.com. We are happy to assist you!
Portable Buildings Electrical Options:
Popular security booth electrical options are:
Little Buildings, Inc. has engineered a complete package of guard house and we are always implementing improvements to our systems. Our customers often tell us they can't believe what they get for their money!
Little Buildings Guard Booth & Security Booth Products: Guard Booth | Guard House | Guard Shacks | Prefabricated Control Booth | Parking Booth | Ticket Booth | Cashier | Bullet Resistant | Smoking Booth | Bus Top | Trailers | Stand Mounted | Restroom | Pay on Foot Lane
Guard Booth, Security Booth, Guard House, Bullet Resistant Guard Booth, Guard Shack, Ticket Booth, Smoking Shelter | Guard Booths for Sale | Security Booths for Sale | Little Buildings prefab guard booths or portable security booths are factory assembled guard buildings. Little Buildings design team has designed the highest quality guard booth design. We have a security booth for sale!